Transformational leadership program
18 - 25 October 2025
It is time to start the change you are longing for. Become inspired by the wisdom of ancient civilizations to reconnect with your inner core. Come and harvest new insights about yourself and about what your pupils need from you, in a beautiful natural setting.
Because of her deep connection with Greece, Hélène van Oudheusden can open doors for you that, on this unique journey, give you access to pearls specially tailored to your leadership development.
Welcome to Authentic Educational Leadership 2026
Do you want to make changes in your life and at work?
Maybe you are dealing with 'difficult' colleagues, a lack of meaning in life or personal struggles. Or you tend to adjust to the way things always are, but then nothing changes...
What is holding you back inside?
How can you let go of the obstacles and patterns that cost you energy?
In Greece, in a beautiful retreat venue, you will investigate what prevents you from standing in your leadership energy.
Discover how to take the next step in your personal growth with the support of energy tools, the power of your soul story and your sources of inner strength.
Feel what you essentially stand for and bring about the change that only you can initiate.
Will you join us? Register now.
You may recognize one of these situations
Just imagine
How do you tackle this? I'm going to help you with that.
In five inspiring masterclasses and five individual coaching sessions, you will discover your original blueprint for being a teacher, so that you are in control. At school and at home.
Do you feel that you have to 'do something yourself' with challenging situations at school?
Please sign up, you are most welcome.
Intake interview
Scientific Archetypes Test
Module 1
At Home in Authentic Communication
Encounter with inner parts that form your compass for growth and transformation. Who are you if you would show yourself in class as you really are? Discover the core principles of authentic communication and improve your contact with colleagues and students.
Coaching conversation 1
Module 2
Follow your bliss
Experience in the Character Test what your unique talents are for your students. Feeling what you have to offer, gives you energy to teach from strength to measure. Join the path of Indian wisdom at school and discover how mythology supports your transformation adventure.
Module 3
Archetypes in the classroom
Insight into and working with inner heroes in your change process. Discover in the results of the scientific archetype test how you work with the light side of archetypes in student guidance. Which inner parts are active and which could use support?
Coaching conversation 2
Module 4
Once upon a time
We are supported and inspired by many generations before us. How can connecting with your ancestral lines provide new insights that you can use in class tomorrow? Experience the intergenerational gifts of your grandparents and feel supported in the new steps you take.
Module 5
New Story op School
What change at school excites you? How does your inner dialogue connect with who you have become? You present your new story - your change plan as an authentic teacher who starts inspired change at school.
Coaching conversation 3
The program is subject to change.
TrainerHélène van Oudheusden's mission is to guide people who work with children to their authentic selves. In this way, education and care can transform into inspiring work environments. For a better world.
What does Authentic Teaching 2025 offer you?
Would you like to follow the training as an Educational Leadership Development Program? Please contact Hélène van Oudheusden for consultation.
Authentic Teaching 2025 is for:
Is the training only for teachers?
The training is open to anyone who works in education. Anyone who teaches or guides children is a teacher.
Who is the training not for?
Read more here
To the outside world, I had everything in order. A job in television, a lease car, lots of travel, social contacts and smart enough to find my way everywhere. And yet I wasn't happy. I tried to convince myself that I should be satisfied with my life. My body knew better, however, and a burnout forced me to stand still and let go of everything in 2000.
I started my inner journey to who I was in essence and what I deeply longed for. Connecting with my core was confronting, enlightening and above all liberating. I am still happy every day that I have the courage to face shadow parts and make crucial decisions in my private life and professionally. Easy? No, certainly not, loneliness and sadness are part of personal growth.
Inspiring? Absolutely, for myself and in my coaching. I have been there and understand what you are going through.
The result is that I feel free, creative and fearless in my healing, leadership and teaching. With a healthy balance of male and female energy. I know how walking your own path leads you to a sense of fulfillment you could not have imagined. So beautiful, loving and inner peace. I sincerely wish you that same space!
My home is in The Hague and Lesbos.
Ancient wisdom and current principles from systemic work, shamanism and mythology form the basis of teachings. With care, lightness and humor I guide you on your way.
Author of Make Your Work a Place of Power and of Teaching Newcomers.
March 8, 2025
5 april 2025
May 31, 2025
June 21, 2025
6 september 2025
Time: 10am - 4pm
Location: The Hague Benoordenhout, near a beautiful estate that serves as a location for assignments from the training
Number of participants: maximum 9
Leader & Trainer: Hélène van Oudheusden
€2,950 per person, private, for the entire journey
€3,450 per person, school, for the entire course
VAT free. The training is deductible as professional education.
Register now. We work on the basis of an introductory meeting so that you can ask all your questions.
There are limited places so book early to make sure you get there.
Each training day you will spend approximately 1.5 hours on preparatory activities and assignments.
School leaders will reimburse your participation in 'Strengthen your Personal Growth at School'.
For HR/MD and L&D professionals:
Nice combination of coaching and interventions
The combination of coaching and therapeutic interventions was nice, because sometimes you see past experiences reflected in the way you work now. The practical and in-depth approach was effective for me in many ways.
It was a beautiful spiritual journey, where I found several treasures.
Thank you very much Helen.
Sieglien Weegman
Director of St. Bernardus
Including NT2 experience
Hélène is a warm woman with a lot of experience, also with NT2 students. It is nice that she also talks about her own experiences, which makes it easy to share.
I definitely recommend The Authentic Teacher. During the conversations, beautiful solutions came to a situation that bothered me more than I thought beforehand.
It wasn't just broadcasting, but mostly a lot of conversations. I liked that.
Marije Blom
ISK Teacher Twents Carmel College
Soft and critical of the content
Hélène van Oudheusden is gentle in her approach, works holistically and is approachable.
At the same time, she is critical of the content and development. She asks the right questions, arrives at beautiful insights together and empowers the other.
For our organization, she made a valuable contribution to the job satisfaction of our professionals.
Lieke Rigter
Regional Director VierTaal
Hélène can really teach you something as a teacher
Inner leadership is charting your course from your own strength.
Hélène van Oudheusden is warm, enthusiastic, sensitive and an expert in developing authentic teacherhood. She passionately shares the principles with which you too dare to follow your inner compass. Personally and at work.
The Authentic Teaching training is recommended for anyone who wants to get the best out of themselves or the team.
Eline, senior in childcare
What a wonderful journey
Hélène is an example of inner leadership.
She dares to think outside the box and has a fascinating story of her own about her refugee aid in 2015/2016 as a one-man business on Lesbos.
Everything she says is a testament to taking inner leadership. Wow.
Mariëtte Werle
Thank you very much for the very pleasant and professional cooperation!
We will be happy to contact you again.
Cornelia Zschaber Conrad, Radix Healthy Schools
I have enjoyed working with school counsellor Hélène van Oudheusden on Lesvos
We have organised five seminars on Mindfulness & Positive Teaching/ Parenting.
Greek, English and Dutch participants joined us from all over our beautiful island to attend the seminars.
I appreciate Hélène's enthusiasm, expertise and thoughtfulness.
Our teachers, parents and children loved the seminars, which inspired them to apply their new ideas into their daily lives.
Aphrodite Vati, vice-mayor of Tourism, West-Lesvos/ English School of Melpomenie and Aphrodite Vati
Lesvos, Greece
Hélène lives up to expectations
Some employees of my School Social Work Team already had positive experiences with Hélène and asked her for training in trauma-sensitive work.
She gave careful preparation shape through a good preliminary conversation with me. In the training, employees could indicate themselves where Hélène could connect to the practical experiences.
This approach led to a useful afternoon on trauma-sensitive work that the team looks back on with new inspiration, connection and tools.
Marjonne Meijer, MEE
Rotterdam Rijnmond
In new situations, often what is needed is a new story that can help supply a map for the new journey and a toehold when that journey feels like climbing up a steep and dangerous mountain.
— Carol S. Pearson in Persephone Rising: Awakening the Heroine Within
The Netherlands
South Africa
eSwatini (Swaziland)
Welcome to inspiration mail
Receive regularly, but not too often, suggestions and information about workshops and books for your personal and professional growth.
Hélène van Oudheusden is a senior personal counselor and trainer based in the Hague, the Netherlands. She is author of Empower Yourself at Work and Teaching Refugee Children.
Hélène van Oudheusden, Personal Coach is registered as an educational institution with the CRKBO and therefore complies with the quality code for training institutions for short vocational education.
Hélène van Oudheusden