In this inspiring retreat you will learn how to lead from within, meanwhile creating soulful connections in this beautiful world.
Do you recognize one of these situations?
Just imagine
How do you realize this? I'm going to help you.
In the in-depth retreat Inspire your Inner Leadership you will discover how you can realize positive growth and change from deeper levels. First with answers to your questions and then by starting a movement that will be of benefit to everyone: you, your colleagues and yes, also your clients or manager.
Do you feel that you have to 'do something yourself' with challenging situations in the organization?
Schedule your match call with Hélène van Oudheusden.
A vitalizing development journey that will:
This training is based on teachings from Buddhism and on mythological and shamanistic transformation principles.
Don't have a management position? No problem.
Inner leadership comes from connecting with your heart and soul. You are most welcome to join.
Manager or Leader?
Traditional leadership styles such as coaching, serving, delegating or directing, are aimed at guiding others. Inner leadership precedes and accompanies your preferred leadership style. You are most welcome.
Special location
We are hosted by a beautiful place in nature. The energy of the trees and plants supports your personal processes and gives you inspiration for your next step.
The mentorship is used as an international Management Development Program.
Please feel free to schedule a call for any questions to organize the retreat for your organization.
Day 1
I am home
Discovering the essence of your transformational power
Day 2
Follow your bliss
Mythology as a source of inspiration on your path
Day 3
Archetypes in their power
Awaken your inner heroes
Day 4
Once upon a time
Experiencing the strengths and possiblities in your ancestral lines
Day 5
Your New Story
Initiating inspired change at work
Practical information
We will be working on deeper layers, it is advised to regularly practice with conscious attention or mindfulness before the training days. You will receive exercises after your registration.
There are moments of silence in the training to calm your mind and become receptive to the signals of your next step.
The program is subject to changes.
After your registration you will receive further practical information.
You can discuss your personal learning question with Hélène van Oudheusden in advance, please take it with you during the training.
When you participate in Inspire your Inner Leadership, you will enjoy:
1:1 registration
Please contact us for details
Rates are VAT-free due to CRKBO registration
The general terms and conditions apply.
Use your training budget or budget for Management Development and Learning & Development.
Teachers and school directors may use the following budgets:
For entrepreneurs, the training is tax deductible. Contact your accountant in advance.
You are welcome to book this training for your team. It is advised to do so after you have completed the retreat yourself since the biggest change in your team dynamics will already take place during your personal mentorship.
Do you want to take the next step in your personal growth? You are most welcome to participate.
Inspire Your Inner Leadership is offered on a bespoke basis to individual workplaces.
Hélène van Oudheusden is an international leadership mentor and consciousness trainer.
Hélène specializes in strengthening personal leadership and guides you through work issues and personal challenges that seem complicated at first glance. She lives in The Hague, Netherlands, and on Lesvos, Greece.
The teachings, trainings and mentorships are based on 30 years of international experience with transformational growth and team development.
Ancient wisdom and modern principles from mindfulness, shamanism and mythology form the base of teachings.
Empower Yourself at Work
Teaching Refugee Children
I have a special place in my heart for vulnerable children. As a humanitarian worker, I am involved in the reception of refugees in my second home, Greece.
The combination of counselling and therapeutic interventions was inspiring, because sometimes you see past experiences reflected in the way you work now. The practical and in-depth approach was effective for me in many ways.
It was a beautiful spiritual journey, where I found several treasures.
Thank you Hélène.
Sieglin Weegman
Director of St. Bernardus
You often feel that something is going on in the team, but no one dares to name it. It is beautiful that Hélène provides us with such warm, direct and compassionate feedback.
Hans de Kort
Marketing Manager
Hélène van Oudheusden is gentle in her approach, works holistically and is approachable.
At the same time, she is critical of the content and development. She asks the right questions, is there to discover beautiful insights together and empowers you.
For our organization, she made a valuable contribution to the well-being of our professionals.
Lieke Rigter
Regional Director VierTaal
Thank you very much for the very pleasant and professional cooperation!
We will be happy to contact you again.
Cornelia Zschaber Conrad, Radix Healthy Schools
I have enjoyed working with school counsellor Hélène van Oudheusden on Lesvos
We have organised five seminars on Mindfulness & Positive Teaching/ Parenting.
Greek, English and Dutch participants joined us from all over our beautiful island to attend the seminars.
I appreciate Hélène's enthusiasm, expertise and thoughtfulness.
Our teachers, parents and children loved the seminars, which inspired them to apply their new ideas into their daily lives.
Aphrodite Vati, vice-mayor of Tourism, West-Lesvos/ English School of Melpomenie and Aphrodite Vati
Lesvos, Greece
The collaboration with Hélène is a very pleasant one: open, honest, spontaneous and non-coercive.
I recommend the Lesvos retreat to colleagues because it is an educational, adventurous experience that gives you a clear picture of what the children in your class have experienced.
Claudia Roelants, director Het Pieterke
Deurne (Belgium)
In many indigenous traditions, a person seeking answers to questions would approach a medicine man or woman sitting by the fire and ask what they should do to resolve their dilemma.
He or she classically would respond to this request by saying, “Let me tell you a story.”
In new situations, often what is needed is a new story that can help supply a map for the new journey and a toehold when that journey feels like climbing up a steep and dangerous mountain.
— Carol S. Pearson, Archetype Scientist and Educator in her book Persephone Rising: Awakening the Heroine Within
The Netherlands
South Africa
eSwatini (Swaziland)
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Hélène van Oudheusden is a senior personal counselor and trainer based in the Hague, the Netherlands. She is author of Empower Yourself at Work and Teaching Refugee Children.
Hélène van Oudheusden, Personal Coach is registered as an educational institution with the CRKBO and therefore complies with the quality code for training institutions for short vocational education.
Hélène van Oudheusden