Transformational training for soul-based professionals
October 19 - 24, 2025
It's time to start the change you are longing for.
Become inspired by the wisdom of ancient Greece to return to your essence. Join us to harvest new insights in the beautiful nature and feel how you can take inspired leadership.
From her deep connection with healing methods from ancient civilizations,
Hélène van Oudheusden carefully brings you in touch with your infinite leadership potential.
Welcome to Inner Leadership 2025
Being a leader, it is important that you pay attention to your own growth processes.
After all, people are looking at you for direction, to make decisions and to inspire their personal or professional development.
Inner growth towards authentic leadership
When you give attention to your inner growth processes, you will get to know yourself on deeper levels. You will discover recurring triggers and blind spots and know how to transform them. Your uniqueness grows and you will develop yourself as an authentic leader. This provides you with focus and clarity so that you can become a beacon of light for yourself and for colleagues.
Discover your personal Hero's Journey
Walking your journey towards authenticity is called The Hero's Journey (Joseph Campbell). As a leader, as a hero, you set out to discover new worlds where you will find new talents.
Step by step you will find out what you really stand for by encountering trials on this path that test your courage and by meeting people who will help you. When you discover the treasure of your new talent or pass a crucial trial, you will share your new insights, at home and at work. This way you can lead in a fulfilling and inspiring way.
Let your soul and personality co-operate
The ancient Greeks assumed that we have a soul and a personality. Our soul is naturally wise, gentle and forgiving. Our personality is, as it were, the coat we chose in this life to work out soul processes. For balance in your leadership, it is essential that you know how to let your soul and personality become friends in order to grow together.
We will walk our inner leadership journey in a small, safe group. You will learn how to live your purpose as a leader from your core, firmly grounded.
A few topics we will be studying:
In the Leadership Retreat we explore the deeper layers of our personal processes. You learn how to distinguish between soul's desires and personality themes.
We work with inspiring energy tools, the power of Greek mythology in your leadership story, dream research and the direction of your soul's desires. This way you can take on your leadership role from integrity and purity and create space to offer aligned leadership. First to yourself and then to your team, organization or class.
A special location
We are staying in a beautiful private villa in the Greek countryside, near the Aegean Sea, next to the oldest sanctuary in Greece: the Amfiareion (circa 400 BC).
Amfiarios, the healer, prophet and leader from ancient Greece inspired residents to travel to the Amfiareion for healing, advice and wisdom. This sanctuary, dedicated to several Gods and Goddesses, is still a source of gentle wisdom from ancient civilizations. We work in and around this special temple where we are inspired on deep levels in the growth of our inner leadership.
Feel what you essentially stand for and bring the compassionate change in your organization that only you can initiate.
Will you join us?
Register now, there are only a few rooms available.
Inner Leadership 2025 is for conscious women and men who want to actively work on their blockages and take leadership in their lives and work from the core.
Participants are, for example training coordinators, healthcare professionals, teachers, work at a B Corp, are managers, psychologists, HR professionals or participate as private individuals.
Is the retreat only for managers?
You do not have to be in a leadership position to sign up. Inner Leadership teaches you how to listen to the signals of your core, to the whispers of your soul, so that you can take leadership of your life and start inspired change.
Who is the leadership retreat not for?
The Inner Leadership Retreat is not for you if you are looking for a wellness week. It is passionate work on your inner growth with sufficient space for integration and relaxation. In order to work as purely as possible, we drink little caffeine and no alcohol during the training week (until the last evening ;).
Hélène van Oudheusden takes you on an inner journey in which you experience how you shape your leadership in balance between your soul desires and your personality.
Enjoy the many gifts you can receive before, during or after this special retreat.
Would you like to follow the training as a Management Development Program? Contact Hélène van Oudheusden for consultation.
Asklepios & Hygeia
The Leadership Retreat is a transformational training for conscious women and men who actively wish to release inner obstacles and take charge of their lives from inside. You have some experience with inner work, for example through counseling sessions, meditation, visualization, journaling or yoga.
Participants are passionate professionals who have the desire and commitment to make the world a better place. For example, they are team leaders, training coordinators, healthcare professionals, teachers, working at a B Corp or are managers, psychologists or HR professionals. You are also cordially invited to join if you want to participate as an individual.
You are dealing with 'challenging' colleagues, needing new direction in your work, experiencing personal struggles or lacking support for your ideas. Or you tend to adapt to how things are at work instead of taking action to create positive change.
What is holding you back from stepping forward and taking charge?
How can you let go of inner obstacles and patterns that cost you energy?
In Greece, in a beautiful location near the first sanctuary for healing, come explore and heal what hinders you from standing in your leadership energy.
Is the training only for managers?
You don't have to be in a leadership position to sign up. Inner leadership precedes leading others. You learn to listen to the signals from your core, to the whispers of your soul guiding you.
Who is the Inner Leadership Retreat not for?
The Inner Leadership Retreat is not for you if you are looking for a wellness week. It is intensive work on your inner growth with enough space for integration and relaxation. In order to work as purely as possible, we drink little caffeine and no alcohol during the training week (until the last evening ;).
Hélène van Oudheusden takes you on an inner journey in which you experience how you shape your leadership, balancing your soul desires and your personality.
Would you like to follow the training as a Management Development Program? Contact Hélène van Oudheusden to schedule an introductory meeting.
Asklepios & Hygeia
To the outside world, everything was going well in my life. A job in television, a lease car, lots of travelling, social contacts and smart enough to find my way. And yet I wasn't happy. I tried to convince myself that I should be content but my body knew better and a burnout forced me to stand still and let go of everything in the year 2000.
I started my inner journey to who I was in essence and what I deeply longed for. Connecting with my core was confronting, enlightening and above all liberating. I am still happy every day that I have the courage to face shadow parts and make crucial decisions in my private and personal life.
Was it easy? No, certainly not, loneliness and sadness are part of personal growth.
Was it inspiring? Absolutely, for myself and in my coaching. 'I have been there' and I understand what you are going through.
The result is that I feel free, creative and fearless in my leadership. With a healthy balance of male and female energy. I know how walking your own path will lead you to a sense of fulfillment you could not have imagined. So beautiful, loving and filled with inner peace. I sincerely wish you that same sacred space!
My home is in The Hague, The Netherlands and in Greece. If I had a house in this beautiful country, it would be in the garden of the leadership retreat.
Ancient wisdom and state of the art principles from systemic work, shamanism and mythology form the foundation of teachings. From lightness and with humor I guide you on your way.
Author of Empower Yourself at Work and Teaching Refugee Children.
Sunday 19 to Friday 24 October 2025
Location: Private villa in Kalamos, Athens (Greece)
Group size: 6 - 10 participants
Leader & Trainer: Hélène van Oudheusden
Investment in yourself
Early Bird until 10 March 2025
€2,995 per person/private individual, for the entire journey
€3,477 per person/organization for the entire journey
VAT free. The training is deductible as professional education.
Single room supplement € 247,= (on request)
Not included:
Register now
There are only six rooms so book early to ensure your spot.
Follow your Bliss
- Joseph Campbell
The Inner Leadership Retreat is deductible for entrepreneurs and organizations as educational training.
In ancient Greece, leaders, merchants, artists, mothers, fathers, athletes and kings traveled to a temple for wisdom and healing.
The Amfiareion is the oldest Greek sanctuary (400 BC) where healer, prophet and leader Amfiarios was asked for help and healing. In this temple the God Asclepius (father) and the Goddess Hygeia (daughter) were also worshipped. Visitors slept in the abatons, the dream quarters at the temple. The next day they told their dreams to the priest(ess), who interpreted the dream and knew which remedy or advice suited the visitor's request for help.
We work next to and in the sanctuary with inspiring working methods to find answers to your questions and with which you can firmly establish your leadership.
Enjoy the serene silence in this unknown part of Greece where you only hear the sound of the sacred river, the trees and the many birds.
Enter your details here, Hélène van Oudheusden will contact you within two days.
Hélène is fantastic. She creates a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere and is passionate.
Hélène jumps into the unexpected, is a nice person to travel with and is an example in inner leadership. First because she organizes this trip but she also dares to think outside the box and has a fascinating personal story of her development as an inner leader.
Everything she says is a testament to taking inner leadership. Wow.
Mariette Werle, Soest
Hélène helps you to cross the threshold with her warm way of guidance.
I now dare to really look at my inner parts and hear my silent wishes. Hélène gave me the tools to walk my own leadership journey.
Caroline de Bruin, Dordrecht
In new situations, often what is needed is a new story that can help supply a map for the new journey and a toehold when that journey feels like climbing up a steep and dangerous mountain.
— Carol S. Pearson
Photo Eleonora Pouwels Pure Photography
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Hélène van Oudheusden is a senior personal counselor and trainer based in the Hague, the Netherlands. She is author of Empower Yourself at Work and Teaching Refugee Children.
Hélène van Oudheusden, Personal Coach is registered as an educational institution with the CRKBO and therefore complies with the quality code for training institutions for short vocational education.
Hélène van Oudheusden