Inner Leadership 2025

Retreat Lesvos

Transformational leadership program

5 - 12 May 2025

18 - 25 October 2025


Enroll now

Join the Magical Leadership Journey to Lesvos

It is time to start the change you are longing for. Become inspired by the wisdom of ancient civilizations to reconnect with your inner core. Come and harvest new insights about yourself and about what the world needs from you, in a beautiful natural setting.

Rediscover your inner leadership.

Because of her deep connection with Greece, Hélène van Oudheusden can open doors for you that, on this unique journey, give you access to pearls specially tailored to your leadership development.

Welcome to Inner Leadership 2025

Awaken your

Inner Heroes

in Greece's Embrace

7-Day Inner Leadership Training

Do you want to make changes in your life and at work?

Maybe you are dealing with 'difficult' colleagues, a lack of meaning in life or personal struggles. Or you tend to adjust to the way things always are, but then nothing changes...

What is holding you back inside?

How can you let go of the obstacles and patterns that cost you energy?

In Greece, in a beautiful retreat venue, you will investigate what prevents you from standing in your leadership energy.

Discover how to take the next step in your personal growth with the support of energy tools, the power of your soul story and your sources of inner strength.

Feel what you essentially stand for and bring about the change that only you can initiate.

Will you join us? Register now.

Who is the leadership retreat for?

The Lesbos Retreat is for conscious women and men who want to actively work on their blockages and take charge of their lives from the core.


  • Feels that you have 'something to do yourself' with challenging situations in your life
  • Are you willing to look within to take control of your life and work (again)?
  • Know that only you can initiate change by transcending your blockages and limiting patterns
  • Also want to look at your shadow sides (your shadow includes the parts of yourself that you are not so happy with and your hidden talents)
  • Open to a touch of magic in meditation and visualization
  • Have a can-do mentality and travel independently
  • Looking forward to new contacts with like-minded participants who want to grow and collaborate from their soul

Is the retreat only for managers?

You don't have to be in a leadership position to sign up. Inner leadership precedes leading others. You learn to listen to your signals from your core, to the whispers of your soul.

Who is the leadership retreat not for?

The Inner Leadership Retreat is not for you if you are looking for a wellness week. It is passionate work on your inner growth with enough space for integration and relaxation.

Read more here

What does the leadership retreat offer you?

  1. Be grounded in your own strength in a safe & serene environment
  2. Connect inner parts to become your own best guide
  3. Discover new perspectives and solutions for (recurring) challenges
  4. Connect your personal and professional intuition
  5. Find decisiveness and courage to step forward when a situation triggers you
  6. Connect with a community of like-minded people
  7. Personal Leadership Certificate 2025

 Would you like to follow the training as a Management Development Program? Contact me for an introductory meeting.


For whom?

The Lesvos Retreat is a transformational training for conscious women and men who want to actively work on their blockages and take charge of their lives from within.


  • Feel that you are able to rewrite the script of challenging situations in your life
  • Are willing to look within to take control of your life and work
  • Know that only you can initiate the change you need
  • Also want to look at your shadow sides (your shadow includes the parts of yourself that you are not so happy with as well as your hidden talents)
  • Are open to a touch of magic in meditation and visualization
  • Have a can-do mentality and travel independently
  • Are looking forward to enjoying new contacts with like-minded people

Is the transformation process only for managers?

You don't have to be in a leadership position to sign up. Inner leadership precedes leading others. You learn to listen to the signals from your core, to the whispers of your soul guiding you.

Who is the Inner Leadership Retreat not for?

The Inner Leadership Retreat is not for you if you are looking for a wellness week. It is intensive work on your inner growth with enough space for integration and relaxation.

This is what the Inner Leadership program offers you

  1. Become grounded in your own strength in a safe & serene environment
  2. Connect inner parts to become your own best guide
  3. Discover new perspectives and solutions for (recurring) challenges
  4. Connect your personal and professional intuition
  5. Find decisiveness and courage to step forward when a situation triggers you
  6. Connect with a community of like-minded people
  7. Personal Leadership Certificate 2025

Would you like to follow the training as a Management Development Program?  Contact Hélène van Oudheusden to schedule an introductory meeting.

About Hélène van Oudheusden

To the outside world, everything was going well in my life. A job in television, a lease car, lots of travelling, social contacts and smart enough to find my way. And yet I wasn't happy. I tried to convince myself that I should be content but my body knew better and a burnout forced me to stand still and let go of everything in the year 2000.

I started my inner journey to who I was in essence and what I deeply longed for. Connecting with my core was confronting, enlightening and above all liberating. I am still happy every day that I have the courage to face shadow parts and make crucial decisions in my private and personal life. Was it easy? No, certainly not, loneliness and sadness are part of personal growth.

Was it inspiring? Absolutely, for myself and in my coaching. 'I have been there' and I understand what you are going through.

The result is that I feel free, creative and fearless in my leadership. With a healthy balance of male and female energy. I know how walking your own path will lead you to a sense of fulfillment you could not have imagined. So beautiful, loving and filled with inner peace. I sincerely wish you that same sacred space!

My home is in The Hague, The Netherlands and on Lesvos, Greece. If I had a house on this beautiful Greek island, it would be in the middle of the garden of the leadership retreat. The nature there is so beautiful and fairytale-like.

Ancient wisdom and state of the art principles from systemic work, shamanism and mythology form the foundation of teachings. From lightness and with humor I guide you on your way.

Author of Empower Yourself at Work and Teaching Refugee Children.

Information & Registration

Monday 5 to Monday 12 May 2025

Saturday 18 to Saturday 25 October 2025

Location: Molyvos, Lesvos (Greece)

Number of participants: maximum 6

Leader & Trainer: Hélène van Oudheusden

Investment in yourself

€ 2.495,= private individual for the entire program

€ 2.995,= organisation for the entire program

VAT free

Double room with breakfast € 455,= per person

Single room with breakfast  560,=


  1. Introductory meeting with Hélène van Oudheusden
  2. Preparatory assignment
  3. All leadership training on Lesvos & two individual coach calls with Hélène van Oudheusden
  4. Seven nights in a beautiful double room including an extensive breakfast buffet
  5. Four times lunch (excluding drinks)
  6. Access to all retreat facilities
  7. Transport to workshop location on Lesbos
  8. Book Empower Yourself at Work by Hélène van Oudheusden
  9. Tourist tax

Not included are:

  • Your flight to/from Lesvos
  • Transfer to the accommodation (€ 85,= one way)
  • Compulsory travel/cancellation insurance

Register today. We work on the basis of an introductory meeting, so that you can ask all your questions.

Rooms are limited so book early to make sure you can join the leadership retreat.

Enroll now

Follow your Bliss

- Joseph Campbell

  • Program

    Day 1: Arrival at the retreat center at 3:00 PM Introductory seminar

    Day 2: Training I am at home

    Meeting your inner parts that form your compass for growth and transformation.

    Lunch with island delicacies and organic products

    Day 3: Training Follow your bliss

    Creating your safe space, the power of mythology in transformation and starting your a leadership adventure with the Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell.

    Lunch with island delicacies and organic products

    Day 4: Integration day

    Space to contemplate new insights and transformations. You investigate what stays with you from the previous days and what you wish to develop further in the following days.

    Day 5: Training Meet Your Inner Heroes

    Which inner parts are most active in you and which are waiting for your attention? Discover what new knowledge awaits you for your personal leadership growth.

    Lunch with island delicacies and organic products

    Day 6: Training Create Your New Story

    In a magical place we visit the sanctuary/source of wisdom where you can start your new leadership story.

    Lunch with island delicacies

    Day 7: Reflection day

    You can spend your last day on Lesvos in the inspiring nature. Deepen your new insights and your contacts in the warm community with walks through the hills, thermal baths or a delicious lunch in a picturesque harbour town.

    Day 8: Return trip or extension

    Check-out at 10:00

    Four weeks after your return 

    Online group call to share your experiences and work through your new insights

    Practical aspects

    • You can submit your personal learning question during the intake.
    • You will receive a preparatory tailor-made assignment. 
    • On day 1 we work from 16:00 to 18:00, on the training days from 9:30 to 13:30.
    • We work on deeper layers, the advice is to regularly practice mindfulness exercises before the retreat.
    • Depending on the background of the participants, the retreat is given bilingually, in Dutch and English.
    • The program is subject to change.
  • Who provides the training?

    Hélène van Oudheusden will guide the trainings, interactions and assignments. An assistant from the retreat ensures that you feel welcome and is available for any questions regarding your accommodation.

  • Available budgets


    The Inner Leadership Retreat is deductible for entrepreneurs as education and training. Contact your accountant for further information.


    Discuss with your employer what budgets are available for counseling, personal and professional growth and burnout prevention.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Will I feel at home in the group?

    Do you find it difficult to travel alone and to be in a strange group?

    We understand you and will make sure that you feel at home. We train in a small group of like-minded, gentle participants who are open to helping each other.

    On Lesvos you have the freedom to join the group or to be alone if you need to. Feel free!

    2. How do I know if this is the right time?

    Now is the right time, because you are reading this text... There is always doubt, because that is the back of the desire for change. Doubt wants to keep you in the old situation.

    There will always be reasons to want to postpone your personal growth. No vacation days, no childcare at home, little financial space. It is about making an inner decision to start NOW to free yourself from the limiting pattern that you have been walking around with for so long. Life is now.

    3. Can I participate with my team on a different date?

    Yes, please contact us for a tailor-made training for your team.

    4. I previously participated in the Lesvos training. May I join again?

    You are most welcome to join us again for your personal development. This retreat is aimed at strengthening inner leadership and initiating change that will help you flourish in life.

    5. How do I know for sure that the retreat is for me?

    Do you recognize one of these situations?

    * You feel like you have outgrown a relationship or a job position but you don't know what your next step is yet.

    * You had a tough year in which you mainly went along with undermining flows. You feel the need to be in charge of your own life.

    *Countless ideas for change are bubbling up in you. You just can't seem to get your partner, friends or colleagues on board with your story.

    *Things aren't going well at work and you think it's your fault. You keep working harder and harder but that's not a solution because things don't change. 

    *The energy between you and a friend or colleague is not pleasant and you get a stomach ache when you see her.


    * You know where you can let your new talents flourish.

    * You have the next step in your development mapped out precisely.

    * You immediately find a listening ear for the countless ideas you have to handle things differently

    * You have new perspectives to resolve situations.

    * You have the tools to improve your relationships, without having to have a difficult conversation.

    How do you tackle this?

    Register and receive your techniques, tools and insights during the inspiring program of the Inner Leadership Retreat on Lesbos.

    6. Why do we have to fly for this retreat? Can't this training take place in the Netherlands?

    The training also takes place in the Netherlands, check the website or send a message for an in-company training.

    This is why we also offer the leadership retreat in Greece:

    1. Clarity through distancing: taking a week away from your daily environment can help you to organize your thoughts and see things in perspective. It provides a fresh perspective on problems and challenges, which can lead to new insights and solutions.

    2. Cultural enrichment: a retreat abroad offers the opportunity to come into contact with new cultures, customs and ways of thinking. These contacts can broaden your horizons, increase your empathy and stimulate your creativity by taking you out of your comfort zone.

    3. Deep relaxation and regeneration: a change of environment, especially to this serene and inspiring setting, can promote deep relaxation and recovery. It helps you to let go of stress and focus on self-care, which is essential for personal growth and development.

    7. How long does the transfer take?

    You can drive in 1 hour and 15 minutes by taxi from Mytilini airport to the retreat accommodation in the north of the island. We can arrange a taxi for you and you can share a taxi with other participants.

    8. Can I pay in installments?

    You can choose to pay in one or in two installments. There is a small surcharge for payment in two installments.

On Lesvos

Enchanting Lesvos has many sides. The third largest island in Greece is known for its authenticity, beautiful nature, over 11 million olive trees, relaxing hot springs and vibrant culture.

The island is an ideal place to recharge and support your transformation process.

Lesvos offers you a soothing energy that helps you to ground yourself on deep levels.

We are staying in a beautiful accommodation in the middle of Greek nature with a view over the blue Aegean Sea and the medieval village of Molyvos.

Come and enjoy the silence, the fragrant flowers and the beautiful light on Lesvos.

Would you like to schedule a meeting?

Enter your details here, Hélène van Oudheusden will contact you within two days.

Contact Us

What participants say

Innerlijk leiderschap voor leraren

Hélène is fantastic. She creates a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere and is passionate.

Hélène jumps into the unexpected, is a nice person to travel with and is an example in inner leadership. First because she organizes this trip but she also dares to think outside the box and has a fascinating personal story of her development as an inner leader.

Everything she says is a testament to taking inner leadership. Wow.

Mariette Werle, Soest

Innerlijk leiderschap voor leraren

Hélène helps you to cross the threshold with her warm way of guidance.

I now dare to really look at my inner parts and hear my silent wishes. Hélène gave me the tools to make my own journey.

Caroline de Bruin, Dordrecht

In new situations, often what is needed is a new story that can help supply a map for the new journey and a toehold when that journey feels like climbing up a steep and dangerous mountain.

  — Carol S. Pearson

Preview of the Lesvos Leadership Retreat 2025

Some say there are nine Muses;

 but they should think again.

For look, there is Sappho of Lesvos, she is the tenth.

- Plato on Sappho, the Poetess

Leadership Retreat Greece Aphrodite Hotel Molyvos Hélène van Oudheusden
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