This Women's Circle invites you to heal the beauty of your inner self as a wise woman, a Sage.
In a safe setting we will share our life experiences and support each other to grow and shine.
Under the guidance of Hélène van Oudheusden you will dive into mythological and Buddhist principles supporting your personal growth.
· How do you walk your path in life?
· What are the benefits of the second half of your life?
· How can you heal your inner Sage?
How do you walk your path in life?
A Crone is a woman with life experience who walks her path courageously. It consists of lots of happy times, while at the same time she encounters bumps and lumps she faces bravely. Everything we experience helps us to get to know ourselves better, consciously and unconsciously.
In my personal experience as a 57 year old woman, I notice that aging women are sometimes searching. I am too. We have a lot of experience and we like to talk about it. At the same time, we don't want to come across as old-fashioned, we might need more time to keep up with innovations or we wonder what our value could be in the last years before we stop working.
The archetype of the Wise Woman helps us to experience the richness and playfulness of seniority. We recognize her in literature, films and art. Sometimes as a witch, other times as a queen or Amazon. She inspires you to view your environment through self-knowledge, in order to change it.
A Wise Woman is always looking for the truth in situations and she does not feels that she has to be right. She longs to share with (younger) women what she has discovered on her path so that others can learn from her.
What are the benefits of the second half of your life?
In this healing seminar your are invited to feel in which aspect of your life your inner Sage needs you. Healing her needs helps you to value your insights, wisdom and seniority on deep levels. This will make you feel:
* More fulfilled during the day
* Encouraged to create harmonious communities
* Inspired to take up your space
How can you heal your inner Sage?
The Wise Women healing seminar is a gentle opportunity to:
Upon request, online or live
Upon request
This seminar is for you if you wish to develop yourself and deepen your inner wisdom. You bring a positive, can do mindset and a warm, courageous heart.
Suitable for women over 40.
This healing seminar is for you if you wish to develop yourself and deepen your inner wisdom. You are bringing a positive, can do mindset and a warm, courageous heart.
Suitable for women over 40.
You have so much to offer yourself and the people around you. You don't have to be like others. It is precisely your uniqueness that makes you beautiful and so, so welcome.
Hélène is curious about your hidden powers and will let you experience how listening to your inner compass is good for everyone. For you, your family and yes, even for your students or clients.
As a humanitarian worker, she is involved in the reception of refugee children in her second home, Lesbos, Greece.
Guided by Hélène van Oudheusden, leadership counselor and consciousness mentor, you will dive deep into mythological, shamanistic and Buddhist principles that support your personal development as a Sage.
Author of
Teaching Refugee Children
I have a question
Thank you for this wonderful experience
It was good to take time between sessions to work on new insights.
The combination of coaching and therapeutic interventions was nice, because sometimes you see past experiences reflected in the way you work now. The practical and in-depth approach was effective for me in many ways.
It was a beautiful spiritual journey, where I found several treasures.
Thank you Hélène.
Sieglien Weegman, director Sint Bernardus, Schiedam
Thank you very much for the very pleasant and professional cooperation!
We will be happy to contact you again.
Cornelia Zschaber Conrad, Radix Healthy Schools, Switzerland
I have enjoyed working with school counsellor Hélène van Oudheusden on Lesvos
We have organised five seminars on Mindfulness & Positive Teaching/ Parenting.
Greek, English and Dutch participants joined us from all over our beautiful island to attend the seminars.
I appreciate Hélène's enthusiasm, expertise and thoughtfulness.
Our teachers, parents and children loved the seminars, which inspired them to apply their new ideas into their daily lives.
Aphrodite Vati, vice-mayor of Tourism, West-Lesvos/ English School of Melpomenie and Aphrodite Vati, Lesvos, Greece
The Wise Woman is the part in us
that is beyond our thoughts, feelings and desires
She just observes the action...
- Carol S. Pearson
The Netherlands
South Africa
eSwatini (Swaziland)
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Hélène van Oudheusden is a senior personal counselor and trainer based in the Hague, the Netherlands. She is author of Empower Yourself at Work and Teaching Refugee Children.
Hélène van Oudheusden, Personal Coach is registered as an educational institution with the CRKBO and therefore complies with the quality code for training institutions for short vocational education.
Hélène van Oudheusden